Book Mage
Editing is my passion. Helping an author to craft their dream into a finely polished masterpiece is my soul's mission!
From book coaching to manuscript evaluations to developmental edits, copy edits, and proofreading, I'm your gal!​

“KC has edited quite a few of my books. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my words.” ~ RA Winter
Karen Freeman did me a huge favour in her developmental edit of my manuscript. I'd been struggling with my early chapters and must have rewritten twenty times over the couple of years the novel was in progress. The first chapter is so important because if it doesn't hold the reader's attention and interest, nothing else matters.
Karen immediately saw what I'd been trying to do and why it wasn't working. She made a suggestion which now seems so simple and solved everything.
She also suggested a small change at the end to tie up the journey of the main character which was such a beautiful touch.
Karen could spot so many of my ticks and bad habits, a tendency to repeat certain sentence structures and phrases, crutch words, and overuse of some words and flagged those up.
I was impressed by how hard she worked on my manuscript, she was incredibly generous with her attention and genuine effort to improve the narrative. A big thank you.
~ Rose Amberly, author.

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